Your Next Option

Find Your Focus Online Course

Your plan is to turn your retirement dreams into reality. But do you realize you’ve forgotten to answer one significant question: What exactly are those dreams? Do you struggle with how to fill in that blank page? When you were younger, did you say ‘I’ll do that when I retire’? What WAS that? What ideas  came to you as you considered the day when you would have the possibility to do whatever you wanted (within financial reason)? Do you remember? Were you one of those people who made a ‘bucket list’? Do you know where it is? What you need is clarity to focus on what to do next.

Here are just a few benefits of this course:

At the end, you’ll walk away with the clarity and confidence to:

I am fully confident that you will be motivated from the very first module. However, if you find the course is not for you, you will have thirty (30) days for a full refund.


Module 1

Closeup of diverse senior adults sitting by the pool enjoying summer together

Dive into our exciting module that tackles the age-old issue of ageism! We’ll explore how ageist language, societal myths, and stereotypes about older adults have shaped our culture and uncover ways to kick these negative notions to the curb. Embracing a positive outlook on aging isn’t just a feel-good exercise—it’s a recipe for a zestier life. Studies, like one from the National Institutes of Health, reveal that people who view aging through a positive lens tend to live about 7.5 years longer than those bogged down by outdated stereotypes. They’re also sprightlier, recover from illnesses faster, and have a lower chance of developing dementia, even with genetic risks. So, let’s reset our attitudes and celebrate the perks of growing older with enthusiasm and insight!

Module 2

What`s your plan for retirement? concept

Get ready to bust some myths and redefine freedom in a way that truly resonates with you! In this exciting module, we’ll dive into what ‘freedom to do whatever you want’ actually means, crafting a definitive plan tailored to your personal desires and aspirations. But wait, there’s more! What does retirement mean to you? We’ll explore this through a fun exercise where you’ll envision a day in your retirement—comparing what you once imagined it would be like, what it looks like currently, and finally, shaping a vision of what you’d love it to be. Let’s redefine freedom and retirement on your terms, making it as vibrant and fulfilling as possible!

Module 3


Dive into the excitement of rediscovery with our module that turns the so-called “boredom” of retirement into a launching pad for creativity! As Rev. Michael Beckwith insightfully points out, boredom is just the energy it takes to block creativity. Through our transformative ‘Get a Life Tree’ experience, you’ll tap into forgotten or undiscovered facets of your creative self. Say goodbye to idle days and hello to a vibrant, productive new chapter where every moment is a blank page eager for your story!

Module 4


Get ready to embark on an enlightening journey in this module where we’ll explore the poignant themes of loneliness and forgiveness. Whether you’re adjusting to an empty nest, navigating life as an elder orphan, a single woman, or simply feeling isolated in your current circumstances, we’re diving deep into the healing power of forgiveness. Letting go of grudges and bitterness isn’t just liberating—it’s a gateway to better health and peace of mind. Imagine fewer bouts of depression, reduced anxiety, and less stress and hostility. Embrace this opportunity to cultivate healthier relationships and a rejuvenated spirit. Let’s start this transformative adventure together!

Module 5

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Get ready to dive into the intriguing world of Procrastination in this module—spoiler alert: it’s not entirely your fault! Ever find yourself stuck just trying to start a task? If that sounds like you, you’re not alone. Whether it’s wrestling with maintaining discipline, dodging schedules like they’re dodgeballs, or finding yourself sidetracked by the latest on CNN, TikTok, or an “urgent” request from your spouse, we’ve all been there. But don’t worry, help is on the way! We’re going to explore some unique and alternative techniques to kick procrastination to the curb. Let’s tackle this together and get you moving towards your goals with some clever new strategies!

Module 6


Get ready to plunge into the refreshing waters of gratitude as we explore its impact on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being! In this fun-filled module, we’ll unravel the true meaning of mindfulness and spice things up with a variety of engaging meditation exercises. Prepare to be inspired and energized as we journey through the transformative power of thankfulness!

Module 7

maggie kuhn 1

Get ready to dive into an exciting adventure as we tackle Ageism head-on in this module! Unpack the myths and misconceptions that cloud society’s view of older individuals and explore how these beliefs influence their treatment and limit their opportunities in social, economic, and political spheres. We’ll share personal experiences, dissect societal attitudes, and brainstorm dynamic strategies to champion the rights and inclusion of our elders. Together, we’ll learn to challenge these outdated notions not just in our homes and neighborhoods, but across our communities and around the globe. Let’s make a difference, one enlightened step at a time!

Module 8

Anything is Possible

Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey in our final module, where we’ll sketch out a vibrant action plan tailored to your next big adventure! Whether it’s rekindling connections with loved ones, launching a dream business, diving into learning, mastering a fresh skill, or breathing life into your garden, you’ll have a personalized roadmap to ignite your start. Retirement is a modern invention—historically, elders were cherished for their wisdom and skills, vital to their communities. So let’s embrace the spirit of our ancestors: take a leap, try something new, and set bold intentions. It’s your time to shine!